Wednesday, March 18, 2009

So, Spring Break is over.

I still haven't made it to my 9am British Lit class this week. That's two classes I've missed. :( Not good. I overslept for both of them. That's all right, though, because I haven't missed any classes prior to these two. I really need to start drinking caffeine so I can wake up for that class, though.

Spring Break was interesting, though. All I did was work and play Halo 3 and Halo Wars with Cory and Kenan. Both their birthdays were last week, and I managed to squeak by without getting them anything. Shh!

I've also noticed that my profile views doubled over the last week, when I subscribed to Jeff Vogel's blog. If you guys have no idea who he is, he's the creator of several indie games that I've purchased over the last few years as he's produced them. Great stuff. I've loved his Geneforge series since it first came out when I was in junior high. Damn, that's been a long time. lol. I gave up playing Diablo 2 for it, and that's saying a lot about how good it is. I first found his original published game, Exile, on a shareware CD called 1000+ Great Games, and fell in love with it, found his website, downloaded all the demos, and played them to death. Never bought an Exile game, though, and when he upgraded them to the Avernum series I was stoked, however, I was too young to afford them. But in the meantime, Jeff was cooking up a plan to produce an even better game, Geneforge, which I referenced earlier. Somehow, I convinced my parents to purchase it for me for my birthday in 8th grade, I do believe. Great stuff. Soon after the second one came out a couple years later, I had gotten my first job and was able to purchase the second, and have bought all 5 that have come out. Still need to get the Avernum games, though. Thanks for all the great work, Jeff.

Anyways, I've got to get to History II now. Can't miss making fun of Owens. Later!

Thursday, February 12, 2009


I miss talking to my llama.

Monday, December 15, 2008


Thursday it snowed for the first time in 16 years, and was the most snow in 35 years. A whole 2 inches of snow in Orange, Texas! We all made snowmen on top of our cars, and the luckier people in neighboring towns got slightly more, and they could make them in their yards! It started snowing a little before midnight, and got heavier a little after 1 a.m. I was outside playing in the snow until after 2. I made a snowman on top of my car, and after I woke up there was even more snow, so I made another one on my trunk. He looked much better than my original, and I even gave him Reese's Puffs for eyes, and a Golden Graham as a nose. He didn't get a mouth. Anyway, I named him Mr. Snowee. Surprisingly, I made it to Lamar without either snowman falling off my car. However, it warmed up while I was in class, and my first snowman fell off my car as I drove out of the parking lot, and Mr. Snowee's head fell off as I drove home. It depressed me. :( I've never played in the snow before, and it was amazing. I want more snow! :(

Anyway, I put in my 2 weeks a week and a half ago, and I have 4 more days left to work. Most people I work with just found out Saturday, and almost all of them were upset. I must be doing something right if 15 people are upset and sad I'm leaving, even if the new manager doesn't appreciate everything I've done. But I've got a better job, anyway. I'll miss some of those people. I hate moving on or away because it either hurts me or others, and I hate hurting people. It's a part of life, and there have always been way too many people who didn't mind hurting me... Whatever.

Finally, I've got a book report due in 8 hours for a book that's 200 pages long which I have barely begun reading yet, so I really need to get on that. Peace out.